Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ransom Note - Sent

This was for one of the swaps I hosted. I thought it would be fun if we created silly ransom notes to send to our partners. Here is the one I created for my partner. She is into crocheting so I thought that I could hold her crochet supplies for ransome (I silly ransome I might add).

It says:
I have you crochet supplies. You want proff? Here it is!!!
Don't call the police if you know what is good for you. If you want your supplies back then you must stand on your head and recite the pledge of alligence in pig latin. Then you must bring $100 to the far corner of main street. Place the money under the mailbox and leave.
Remember, if the police are involved you will say farewell to your stuff forever.
This is fair warning!

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